Josh Franco
2 min readJun 24, 2023


I wake up every morning, drenched in a solitude that wraps around me like an invisible shroud. It has been weeks since I last saw the faces of my beloved family, and the ache in my heart grows with each passing day. The distance between us feels insurmountable, and my mind, once clear and focused, has become entangled in a labyrinth of doubts.

As the days turn into weeks, the boundaries of reality seem to blur. The familiar routines that once grounded me now feel hollow and meaningless. I find myself questioning the very fabric of my existence. What is the purpose of my life if I am separated from those who mean the world to me? Do I even matter in this vast universe?

Loneliness becomes my constant companion, whispering doubts and insecurities into my ears. I start to lose touch with the world around me, as if trapped within a cocoon of my own making. The once vibrant colors of life fade into muted shades, and even the simplest tasks become arduous challenges.

In the depths of my isolation, I begin to grasp at fragments of memories, desperately clinging to the warmth of my family’s presence. Their laughter, their voices, their loving touch — all become distant echoes that fade with each passing day. It feels as though I am slowly slipping away from the very essence of who I am.

As I traverse the labyrinth of my thoughts, I wonder if my existence is merely a fragile illusion. Perhaps I am a ghost haunting the corridors of an empty life, a figment of my own imagination. The weight of uncertainty presses upon me, and I find solace in moments of respite when sleep mercifully overtakes my weary mind.

But within the depths of despair, a glimmer of hope flickers. It reminds me that I am not alone in my struggle. There are others who have faced separation and loss, yet found resilience and purpose. Their stories become beacons of light, illuminating the darkness that threatens to engulf me.

I resolve to fight against the shadows that cloud my perception. I reach out to my family, their voices crackling through the static of distance, reminding me that they too yearn for our reunion. Their unwavering love becomes a lifeline, pulling me back from the precipice of despair.

And so, I gather my strength and take a step forward, one day at a time. I acknowledge the pain and the uncertainty, but I refuse to let them define me. In the face of adversity, I choose to embrace the fragile beauty of my existence. I may be separated for a while, but I am determined to keep the flame of hope burning within me, for it is through connection and love that I find meaning in this tumultuous journey called life.



Josh Franco

Hi my name is josh I am 25 years old a freelance writer with a passion for writing and a passion for a good story.